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Sometimes referred to as the Pasture Church, or the FFO church, SimplyCHURCH began by meeting in a pasture.  Feeling called to leave what was comfortable and embrace the uncomfortable we have accepted that buildings are just a shelter and not what makes a church.  Each Sunday we bring our lawn chairs and we worship, we give, we study and we eat the Lord's Supper.  We don't have a dedicated preacher or paid staff so you won't find an abundance of programs but you will find opportunity to put your talents to work and see your offering go directly to people in need and people spreading the good news of Jesus!

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Under the shade of a Pecan tree or the dusty floors of a shop building, we understand that these things SIMPLY represent shelter from the elements.  A church represents the sinners with whom you GATHER


Feeling the need to simplify in structure we also felt the need to simplify in our TRADITIONS.



These are 2 basic commands Jesus gives in Matthew 22:37-40...everything hangs on these two commandments.


Not easy to do or explain, but its something we strive for at SimplyCHURCH.  We believe all of those who have been born again in the name of Jesus Christ have received the Holy Spirit.  It is therefore our responsibility to humble ourselves before God and surrender our will to the will of the Holy Spirit. 


That is the journey we are on and we invite you to share the experience with us.

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